Sacred Heart Scholars' Programme (Oxbridge & Russell Group)
Pupils are selected for this group initially based on GCSE grades.
There is the opportunity for pupils to gain admission to the group if their GCSE results are a high enough standard in Year 11. Their position in the group is also re-evaluated against their ALIS tests and throughout the year, in accordance with their attainment. At the start of Year 13 membership will be evaluated again against Year 12 Exam Results and if the students are serious about applying.
Pupils may have experienced trips to Oxford and Cambridge in Key Stage 3 and 4. This is not a prerequisite to them joining the group in Year 12.
In the summer prior to Year 12, eligible pupils are invited to an Oxbridge programme in July. As part of this, they will undergo talks, workshops, a possible theatre trip and a visit to Cambridge University. This gives pupils the opportunity to use the summer holidays to prepare for the life in the Sixth Form and understand the importance of a positive start.
The full Year 12 programme starts in September of Year 12 and consists of the students undertaking a course in ‘Theory of Knowledge’ during one form time a week as well as regular talks, interview practise and UCAS workshops. Pupils are encouraged to read around their subject using the excellent library resources and participate in extracurricular activities.
Students will also visit the University of Oxford in September of Year 12. In the past year, Oxbridge students have been given the opportunity to attend theatre performances, virtual interviews and a range of Oxbridge open days. Pupils have also secured places at a variety of summer schools including the UNIQ Summer School at Oxford and have professional mentors in leading city companies.
In Year 13, we continue to support students with their application in October. During one form time a week, students still on the programme will be given entrance exam practise time, as well as undergoing rigorous interview preparation.
A number of pupils have been successful in securing places at either Oxford or Cambridge in the past five years. The vast majority of pupils on the programme gain sought after Russell group places.