GSO Test

Uniform & PE Kit 

*School Uniform is available from:

Whitehall Clothiers,
77 Camberwell Road,

Pre-loved uniform is available upon request.

  • You must always wear school uniform in the school and on the way to and from school.
  • You must always remember to bring your P.E. kit on the days when you have P.E. or Games lessons - It is part of your school uniform.
  • Uniform with an (*) is available to purchase from Whitehall Clothiers.

School Uniform

Years 7, 8, 9 & 10

Grey blazer with school badge*

White shirt
House tie*

Grey trousers/Grey pleated knee length Kilt

Black shoes (not trainers, boots, plimsolls or canvas shoes)

Grey plain socks or tights

Grey jumper with red stripe*

Plain black, grey or red scarf (optional)

Sacred Heart School Bag*
Plain black or red headband no wider than 5cm



The length of the skirt should be to the knee or below. Students who break this rule will only be permitted to wear trousers.

Year 11

Grey blazer with school badge*

White shirt
Year tie*

Grey trousers/Grey pleated knee length Kilt

Black shoes (not trainers, boots, plimsolls or canvas shoes)

Black socks or tights

Black jumper with silver stripe*

Plain black, grey or red scarf (optional)

Own Bag

Plain black or red headband no wider than 5cm



The length of the skirt should be to the knee or below. Students
who break this rule will only be permitted to wear trousers.

 P.E. and Games Kit

Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11

School P.E. Bag is compulsory*

Polo shirt with school logo*

Black or white socks


Black tracksuit bottoms with school logo (optional) *

Black shorts

Shin pads

Boys: Rugby top (optional) *

Girls: Black zipped top (optional) *



Coats should be plain black or grey.
Coats of any other colour or shade or with any logo on are not allowed. Pupils may leave any coats for safe keeping in lockers. Any pupils caught wearing a non-uniform coat will have it confiscated. Coats are not to be worn during lesson time or around the corridors. ‘Hooded tops’/tracksuit type jackets and leather jackets are not allowed.


Any extremes of haircut are not permitted; this includes symbols, shapes and lines cut into hair/eyebrows. 

Pupils with what may be unacceptable hairstyles will be referred to the Head of year and may be sent home. In addition, no pupils are allowed to put in beads, coloured extensions, or dye their hair any colour or shade. No cuts in eyebrows are permitted.


Pupils can wear a chain with a religious medal or cross. Girls may wear stud earrings, no more than one in each ear, in the lobe. An inexpensive watch can be worn, but smart watch should be avoided. No other jewellery, including bracelets, are permitted.

Sixth Form Dress Code

The overall effect of the Sixth Form clothing should be one of smartness and appropriate to a conventional business context.

Sixth Form clothing should be smart and appropriate to a conventional business context.

1.    Smart business wear that is not ostentatious in style, pattern or colour:

  •   Dark grey, black or navy matching suit (i.e., skirt/trousers/dress with blazer).
  •   Skirt must be no shorter than above the knee.
  •   Trousers must be full length. Leggings and jeans are not allowed.
  •   Blouses, shirts and jumpers (including turtlenecks) are permitted. Cardigans may be worn under 

 2.    If tights are worn these must be black, navy or flesh tone only and in a good condition.

3.    Plain flat black or brown smart shoes. No trainers, sandals, platforms, stilettos, crocs or boots
        (including Uggs) are permitted

4.    Own coat of sober colour, which must be removed when in the school building. No hooded tops
        are permitted

5.    Natural hair colour only, extreme hair colour is not allowed.

6.    Discreet minimal makeup and jewellery. If the school deems that makeup and/or jewellery is not
        discreet, then pupils will be asked to remove it.

7.    No facial piercings except a single discreet nose stud.

8.    Plain black headscarves are permitted, bonnets and durags are not allowed.

9.    No logos.

10. Own bag.

11. Lanyards must be worn and visible at all times.

12. No Headphones/ear pods are to be worn.


Please note that pupils will be sent home if the sixth form dress code is not adhered to