Chess Tournament 2022
Sacred Heart School vs St Thomas the Apostle School- Friday 1st April 2022
On the last day of term, Sacred Heart School hosted a chess tournament against St Thomas the Apostle School. Each school had two teams of 6 players, one team from years 7-11 and the other from 6th form. Each player played six games in total (every player from the opposing team).
Sacred Heart Team year 7-11 Sacred Heart 6th Form Team
Andres Vergara Duran 7M Regan Darko 12FB
Justin Lloyd Casilagan 8P Anh-Quoc Ha 12FB
Paolo Lanzani 10P Kleone Gayya 12FB
Jahn Liam Casilagan 11M Matthew Green 13FM
Neithan Chua 11P Solomon Areoye 13FM
Cynyr Ocampo 11M Justin La Rosa 13FM
Isaac Kebede 9M Samuel Thomas 12JC
Leeland Bell 9P Russell Macapagal 13FB
Sacred Heart students played amazingly winning almost all of their games against their opponents from St Thomas the Apostle. Our star player on the day was Justin La Rosa 13FM who won all of his games. Sacred Heart won both the lower school and 6th form tournament by a great margin. We hope to host another tournament again soon against St Thomas the Apostle School and other schools in the local area.
Chess Club is now one of the largest extra-curricular clubs in school with over 50 members. We hope that with the continued support of Mr Amin and our 6th form members, we will be able to continue to grow this club and participate in more events outside of school.
I am so proud of every member of our chess club. Whether they competed in the tournament, supported our teams to practice or came to spectate on the day, they are a wonderful group of students who make chess club a great place to be.
View our video via Sacred Heart Twitter
Ms Laffan
Acting Librarian