Our Governing Body
Governors’ Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests 2023-2024
8 Foundation Governors:
Chair Mr John Siraut
Vice Chair Mrs Rose Cofie
Foundation Governor Mr Jude Onye
Foundation Governor Fr Vincent George
Foundation Governor Mr Michael Barton
Foundation Governor Mr Leonard Brown
Foundation Governor Ms Charlotte McCallum
Foundation Governor Mr Humphrey Agbukor
2 Parent Governors:
Parent Governor Vacancy
Parent Governor Ms Agnieszka Wierzbicka
3 Staff Governors
Staff Governor Mr Richard Lansiquot as Headteacher is included in this number
Staff Governor Mr Alexander White
Staff Governor Ms Carly Roberts
1 LEA Governor
LEA Governor Mr William Samengo-Turner
Company Secretary Ms Anne O'Sullivan
(Appointed 17th October 2016)
1 Safeguarding Link Governor
Mr Jude Onye
Monsignor Gerald Ewing
Rev John Wilson
Paul McCallum
Our Governing body takes a strategic role and acts as a critical friend to the School and is accountable for its decisions. It sets aims and objectives and agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities.
Finance & Audit Committee
Mr John Siraut (Chair of Finance)
Mrs Rose Cofie (Chair of Audit)
Mr Leonard Brown
Mr Richard Lansiquot
Premises Committee
Mr Michael Barton (Chair)
Mr Richard Lansiquot
Ms Charlotte McCallum
Mr Leonard Brown
Mr Alexander White
Admissions Committee
Ms Charlotte McCallum
Mrs Rose Cofie
Fr Vincent George
Governor Review Committee
Mr Michael Barton (Chair)
Mr Humphrey Agbukor
Mr Jude Onye
Ms Charlotte McCallum
Mr William Samengo-Turner
Ms Carly Roberts
Mr Alexander White
Fr Vincent George
Personnel Committee
Mr Leonard Brown
Mr John Siraut
Mrs Rose Cofie
Staff Appeals
Mr John Siraut
Ms Charlotte McCallum
Mrs Rose Cofie
Fr Vincent George
Mr Jude Onye
Hearings Committee
Mr Humphrey Agbukor
Mr Michael Barton
Mr William Samengo Turner
Headteacher Review Committee
Mr John Siraut
Mr Leonard Brown
Mrs Rose Cofie
Disciplinary Committee
Mr Humphrey Agbukor
Mr Jude Onye
Mrs Charlotte McCallum
Mr William Samengo-Turner
Mr Leonard Brown
Ms Agnieszka Wierzbicka
Curriculum Committee
Mr Humphrey Agbukor
Mr Jude Onye
Mrs Charlotte McCallum
Mr William Samengo-Turner
Mr Leonard Brown
Ms Carly Roberts
Mr Alexander White
Contacting the Governing Body
If you wish to contact a Governor, please email to , marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors. Alternatively, you can send a letter addressed in the same way. If you have any concerns about your own child please contact the school directly in the first instance.
The Governing Body has formally met three times between 1 September 2022 and 31st August 2023. Attendance during the period at meetings of the full Governing body was as follows:
Governor | Position | Type | Meetings Attended |
Out of a possible |
Mr J. Siraut | Chair | Foundation | 3 | 3 |
Mrs G Lygon | Vice-Chair | Foundation | 3 | 3 |
Mr H. Agbukor |
Foundation | 2 | 3 | |
Mr M. Barton |
Foundation | 2 | 3 | |
Ms C McCallum |
Foundation | 3 | 3 | |
Fr V George |
Foundation | 2 | 3 | |
Mr J Onye |
Foundation | 1 | 2 | |
Mrs R Cofie |
Foundation | 3 | 3 | |
Ms A Wierzbicka |
Parent | 1 | 3 | |
Mr L Brown | Parent | 3 | 3 | |
Mr W. Samengo-Turner | LEA | 1 | 3 | |
Mr R Lansiquot | Staff | 3 | 3 | |
Mr A. White | Staff | 3 | 3 | |
Ms C Roberts | Staff | 3 | 3 |