PSHE & RSE Curriculum Intent
The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to equip children with essential skills for life; it intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that develop the knowledge, skills, virtues and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. Through these lessons, children will learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them.
PSHE aims to cover a wide range of the social and emotional aspects of learning, enabling children to develop their identity and self-esteem as active, confident members of their community. The themes and topics support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide children with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing their knowledge of when and how they can ask for help.
The Catholic character of the school requires that, in the specific area of RSE, the leadership and management of Sacred Heart School, working with foundation governors, will:
- ensure that the school seeks to remain faithful to Catholic belief and teaching on matters of faith and morality;
- promote Catholic belief and teaching concerning human dignity and relationships and, in particular, encourage an understanding of and respect for the sanctity of human life, the virtue of chastity, and the sacrament of marriage;
- oversee the delivery of education in sex and relationships to guarantee its faithfulness to the belief and teaching of the Catholic Church (this includes the content of teaching and resources) so that it excludes anything which risks reducing the understanding of sexuality to the level of a mere bodily function, biological process or recreational activity;
- recognise the primary role of parents in the education of their children and, ‘in particular, sex education is a basic right of the parents and must always be carried out under their close supervision.’ The school recognises that education in sex and relationships is done in the name of parents, with their consent and with their authorisation. Consequently, any school based education in sex and relationships must always be carried out in direct consultation with parents;
- demonstrate pastoral sensitivity for the cultural, personal and family circumstances of children and young people while maintaining the integrity of Catholic belief and teaching;
- enable the formation of children and young people through a consistent application of Catholic belief and teaching on matters of faith and morality across the whole curriculum and from all staff;
- monitor the involvement and teaching of external agencies/visiting speakers, and the distribution of resources within school provided by them – in order that all presentations and content are in accordance with the belief and teachings of the Catholic Church.
PSHE and RSE Curriculum Map