Graphics Department Curriculum Intent
The overriding ambition of the Graphics curriculum is to support the school vision of enabling every child to achieve more than they think they are capable of achieving – not just academically but through creative communication and cultural capital. In Graphic Communication, the curriculum aims to inspire students to become well-rounded and passionate designers with both a love of the subject and a passion and engagement for learning about the wider world around them.
The intent of our curriculum is:
- To encourage and nurture an interest in the Creative Industries
- To enable students to become hardworking, independent learners who are highly motivated to achieve their full potential.
- To encourage students to be expressive, whilst developing skills in a wide range of different media and techniques. (Including traditional practises and use of digital media.)
- To encourage pupils to explore visual outcomes whilst communicating their ideas when working to a brief with a purpose/client/ demographic in mind.
- To explore, experiment and develop skills in a variety of media to produce a wide range of outcomes - developing confidence, competence, imagination and creativity.
- To develop critical thinking skills - to make judgments, debate, evaluate and critique a range of topics and issues, investigating of the impact of historical, cultural and technological aspects on the world of design.
In the scheme of learning we link subject specific contents to practising artists, jobs and careers in the Creative Industries and HE courses. In Graphics we believe the curriculum will have a positive impact on the development of every student. The impact of our curriculum can be measured through quality, well-conceived outcomes. Students will be able to analyse and critically evaluate their own and the work of others. The department aims to extend and support ALL students, the studio has an open door policy at lunchtimes, enabled by sixth formers supervising and advising younger students. We encourage wider reading, and are always seeking to run curriculum enhancement trips and encourage older students to sign up to programmes and events run by galleries, theatres etc. We promote autonomy and viral learning, encouraging students to be both independent and collaborative.
Graphics Curriculum Map
graphics curriculum map 2024 2025.pdf